
Authored Comments

This is either a case of modern technology coming "full circle" or a case of old technology becoming a modern "standard." There are so many opportunities for learning and discovery in a package like this. You didn't mention price but I'm guessing a school system could outfit a lab or small learning center within a modest budget. I'm a firm believer that basic electronics and computer integration should become foundational knowledge for young learners. This kit is a great beginning.

Concur completely with the nuances of "common tech" in the Star Wars 'verse. And it makes sense. In our time (21st century), we have *some* commonality across technology but not nearly enough. However, with the high cost of custom software, I believe we're seeing more reliance on the non-copyrighted operating systems. Many U.S. military contractors are coming around to open source in an effort to avoid proprietary operating systems in their advanced designs which cannot be tinkered with as requirements morph and new capabilities are developed.