I'm a librarian, computer geek, photographer, areligious Buddhist, and ex-engineer from Toronto. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Toronto) and another one in Library Science (McGill). I spend my spare time writing Python, HTML, Bash scripts, whatever language I'm learning right now, working with Linux, and watching movies. I edit everything in (Neo)Vim. My favourite hobbies other than computers are photography and travel.
Authored Comments
I'm not aware of a way to do syntax highlighting in less or more. You can however use (n)vim for that: 'nvim -M -R filename'. This'll give you the same syntax highlighting you get in vim, but the flags turn off the ability to edit. In the past that command was aliased to 'view', but it doesn't seem to be available on most Linux distros anymore. You could set it up yourself, just add 'alias view="nvim -MR "' to your ~/.bashrc.
Good calls, Shawn: I use that xkcd comic in my talk slides, and I recommend Cream for Windows users (not so much for Linux users).
I'm a big believer in "use what works for you." I love Vim, but if Emacs works for you - more power to you. I don't see much point in that dying rivalry: they're both good editors. In fact, Github's Atom is an excellent editor too, and you should try several editors to make sure you've got the one that works best for you.