In 2016, Guinevere Saenger transitioned from being a full-time professional pianist to a career in tech. To do so, she obtained a spot at the highly competitive Ada Developers Academy in Seattle, a year-long, tuition-free, bootcamp-style software development training program for women and nonbinary people making a mid-life career switch into tech. As part of her training, Guinevere interned at Samsung SDS on the Cloud Native Computing Team, where, after graduating in July 2017, she accepted a full-time software engineer position working on Kubernetes deployment tools. She has been an active contributor to the Kubernetes Community as part of the Contributor Experience Special Interest Group. She is honored to present a talk on how to become a Kubernetes Contributor at SCaLE16x in March 2018.
Making her home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Guinevere enjoys music, food, and the outdoors.