Raleigh, NC
I'm a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University with an intense affection for all things FOSS. I'm particularly interested in leveraging Open Source in the classroom and expanding the commons of freely-licensed educational courseware. I'm a Computer Scientist, so FOSS is obviously a big part of what I'm interested in, but I would particularly like to see Open Source and Libre Culture penetrate the non-technical disciplines, since there's a whole lot more to it than computing!
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Now that the platform is open, I want to see open content. And when I say that, I mean more than a license.
Most MOOCs have been developed and published by professors from elite universities, and just recently four business professors have created a decidedly non-university MOOC with <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-06-12/new-mooc-company-brings-market-research-to-the-masses">DecydEd</a>. Now I want to see the DIY MOOCs. The MOOCs on Github. MOOCs developed the open source way.
I've seen some of this with grassroots initiatives like the <a href="http://universityofreddit.com/">University of Reddit</a>, and a very directed effort that I learned about from some techies from Etsy called <a href="https://github.com/opsschool">Ops-School</a>. Education is too important to be left up to a handful of experts - I really want to see more collaboration in the development of curricula and course materials.
I do love me some Github. I've started doing everything with them (hosting my web page, keeping research notes, etc). I like how it keeps track of all of the projects I interact with, helping me build a public portfolio of my most important contributions to the software world.
I like to say that Github is an action-oriented social network: all of the conversations and interactions take place in the context of working together on projects. It's a much more authentic form of communication in my eyes. :)