Jason van Gumster

2391 points
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Atlanta, GA

Jason van Gumster mostly makes stuff up. He writes, animates, and occasionally teaches, all using open source tools. He's run a small, independent animation studio, wrote Blender For Dummies and GIMP Bible, and continues to blurt out his experiences during a [sometimes] weekly podcast, the Open Source Creative Podcast. Adventures (and lies) at @monsterjavaguns.

Authored Comments

Unless I'm mistaken, Hugin is for still imagery. He's interested in automatically aligning two procedurally-generated (through CT scans) 3D meshes. That said, you bring up an interesting/promising approach to workflow. Panorama stitchers like Hugin (as well as motion tracking software) allow you to manually mark corresponding points in different images. An alignment tool like the one Vasily wants could use a similar mechanism. You pick corresponding points on two meshes and Blender would auto-align one to the other.

"Editing" is a bit of misnomer here. OBS really isn't an editor. In broadcast terms, it's a bit closer to being what's called a live switcher. As a live event occurs, you can change which video source(s) get routed to your video output on the fly. If you record the video coming from the output, you have a finished video that doesn't require offline editing since all of the cuts happened live.