Justin is heavily involved with the FOSS community contributing to Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Grunt, jQuery, Twemoji, Nginx, GNU Bash, and many more. He also serves on the Selection Committee for Mozilla's Open Source Support (MOSS) program, as well as the Open Source Collective's board of directors. In 2017, he co-founded/organized Sustain Summit, an annual one-day event for Open Source Software Sustainers.
Authored Comments
I'm really happy to see more great open source sustainability post like this. What are your thoughts about non-traditional foundations like Open Collective which allow open source projects to receive funding without the hassle of setting up their own legal entity?
Now I'm off to play with the cool "Analysis of Foundations in OSS Projects" tool you made =)
I think that is absolutely brilliant. It might overlap with some ideas around the same sort of concept that the Gratipay community it proposing: https://github.com/gratipay/inside.gratipay.com/issues/964
I would definitely join forces with them (and vice versa) and push this forward. It would be a huge win for the Node community and possibly create a standard that can be implemented into other package managers.