Mario Corchero is a Senior Software Developer at Bloomberg, where he uses Python and C++ to write small reusable services to automate the generation of news and manage the infrastructure around News Search.
Mario Corchero is a Senior Software Developer at Bloomberg, where he uses Python and C++ to write small reusable services to automate the generation of news and manage the infrastructure around News Search.
Authored Comments
Hello Deus, thank you for reading it :)
About `logging.exception`, Indeed it is just using `logging.error` with `exc_info`. See https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1bbd482b/Lib/logging/__init__.py…
The key to your question is the level you want to log with. If you want to log with error level I indeed prefer using `logging.exception` rather than `logging.error` and passing `exc_info`. But in the article (when it is not using `exception`) is because it wants to log in a different level.
Not sure if that answer the question, let me know if it doesn't! :)
Sure thing, this is all CC :)