Mike Harris is passionate about Security, Free Software, and Educating our community.
Mike currently works for Red Hat as a Sr. Platform Consultant.
He is certified as a CISSP, GCIH, GISP, CCNA-Security, CCNA, and RHCE. Mike has additional technical certifications which include Digital Forensics Examiner, Network Protocol Analyst, Project+, Linux+, and A+. He will soon graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – Security.
Mike has built a CSIRT from the ground-up, including a secure infrastructure using Linux systems (Red Hat and Ubuntu). Mike has extensive knowledge as a Technology Security Auditor conducting assessments, measuring vulnerabilities, security posture on internal and external networks, and account activities for insider threats and abuse.
He is one of the founders and a former board member of TinkerMill, a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the knowledge of our kids, adults, businesses, and municipalities in the use of high tech with the incorporation of creativity and art. He is also a Red Team Member of the Rocky Mountain Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.
So, TBH, my pack wasn't from Infomagic, as pictured. A co-worker was kind enough to let me use that picture of his tri-linux CD set. As I remember it. . . I actually had 2 tri-CD sets. I had one from Linux Systems Labs (LSL, but please, don't attempt to go to their website, as it has since been taken over, and NSFW). I also, believe I had another set, from LinuxMall (I have since, met a board member from this org).
I don't fully remember, why I had two tri-CD sets, I don't know if it was related to the Slackware 3.0 -> 3.1, or it could have been to try the Debian 1.0 -> Debian 1.1, Or maybe even Red Hat 3.9 (if it was available via those CD sets). Let's just say, that there were a whole lot of linux releases in Summer 1996, especially June of 1996.
So, the one thing, that I do remember, about my CD sets, is on the Slackware disc, it had a outlined image of J.R. Bob Dobbs, and sent me down a interesting rabbit hole, in reading about him, and his organization.