I am a part time writer contributing content to a range of online publications, such as Devtome and Hubpages, as well a part time forex trader via the Ripple open source & P2P financial protocol.
I believe that prosumerism, collaborative open source development, and decentralized business models are the only way to save the world from the excesses of pure capitalism and its abuse by vested interests with the power to distort apparently free markets, without giving up the inherent advantages of capitalism, namely innovation and productivity.
Authored Comments
Great news about Autodesk, I think they can do a lot to help make 3D printing more accessible and easy to use.
I would love to use the Raspberry Pi for a home automation project. You can use something called a 'Razberry' (a daughter board) and a Z Stick to interface with Z-Wave products which are great for DIY and use your Pi for the brain of the system. Unfortunately I don't have either the time or the money right now, but I'm sure I'll do it eventually.