
Authored Comments

My two cents:

# jump from a gateway to another server
ssh -J user@gw.example.tld user@someother.example.tld

# execute a script remotely
ssh user@host.example.tld 'bash -s' < /path/to/script.bash

# execute a command on several servers
for host in host{1..10}.example.tld; do ssh -n user@$host 'hostname'; done

Your take is coming from the wrong direction.

The "benefit" to the community you mention comes from greed and motion.

Nothing good comes out of those intentions.

IMO, you get the most out of yourself when you help out of pure conviction; because you want to help. That is your reward right there.

Santa snaps on the other guy because he expects a reward. He should help because he knows he should and wants to.

This is one of the most common mistakes. Love because you get loved back. Thank you, Hollywood.

If you're to do anything, do it out of conviction. Otherwise, you always "charge" for what you're doing. Love, help, community, you name it. It's all the same.

Time to invest in what truly counts.