I'm a Sr Linux/Unix specialist for more than years, currently working @IBM, looking for a challenging role in Linux/Unix projects.
My IT Skills include: Debian Linux, RedHat Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Solaris, AIX, Xampp, Apache, Puppet, mysql,
Postgresql, PHP, Bash, Samba, Squid, Postfix, patching, security hardening.
The first time I heard about Linux, I got shocked. Since these days (~1999) I focused on Linux and Open Source projects. I prefer Debian, but I know and used to any Linux flavour. As a freelancer, I love to research FLOSS solutions to implement on any organization, if a new technology appears, I study it restless until I become an expert.
Authored Comments
Hi Amado. I did not test keepass2, so I can't answer your request directly. My advice is to install both in your box and test each one separately for a while, and decide which one fits your needs and you feel more comfortable with.