Roger Burkhardt is CEO at Ingres, the world's second largest independent open source company. The company is committed to open source, standards and developing technologies that contribute to a healthier global climate. In 2009, Ingres announced the Ingres VectorWise project, a collaboration between Ingres and VectorWise, a leading database research team spun out of the CWI Institute of Amsterdam, along with contributions from Intel, to unlock the power of modern chips for business software and usher in a new era in innovation and energy awareness that leapfrogs existing business software technologies.
Recently, in January 2010, the VectorWise Technology Preview Program was announced and welcomes companies to test this groundbreaking technology. Ingres VectorWise dramatically reduces the amount of power needed to get speedy access to critical business data and it ushers in a new wave of innovation for energy management and green initiatives. Ingres believes Ingres VectorWise will enable dramatically greater performance and lower power requirements. What used to take a power-eating refrigerator-sized server rack now only takes one computer, or one server, with Ingres VectorWise.