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Mawusee Komla (Samuel) Foli-Awli is a full stack developper (mainly working on Web environment projects most of the time ) a big fan of CMS (Drupal, WordPress) a new lover of Yii. He is a FOSS evangelist - FOSS saved my life more than once :-) He is the Commuunity Empowerment Manager (CEM) of FOSSFA (Free and Open Source Foundation for Africa). He is into Internet Governance, knowledge sharing and keen on content creation.
Authored Comments
All that has been said here is true. Back in 2005 many tools were not available so things were more complicated and eventhough nowadays tools (social networks, repos, etc.) can make things more complicated (because everybody is using the same channel) it is less painfull.
@JR and @JG can I compile both articles into one on french; there are people out there who will appreciate I guess.
Great article. This a reality that unfortunately many professors, colleges, universities and students are not getting yet. It is incredible how far you can improve your skills (coding, interacting with users, teamwork, etc.). For me it is a must even if you are not taking an IT course.
Now the next question might be what is the best community for me ? To that I will answer it depends on who are and what you want to achieve.