| Follow @yakczar
Edmonton, Canada
I am an academic scientist interested in understanding how proteins evolve and how their structure and function correspond to their amino acid sequence.
In addition to understanding “nature’s robots”,1 I have always been interested in programming silicon robots.2 Recently I’ve made a robot to play with me on the piano and in the past I’ve made a Turing-test capable poetry bot and a generic Raspberry Pi AI.
My non-programming hobbies are playing jazz piano and running marathons. If you ever run into me (literally or figuratively) please say hello! I love meeting people. Contact me @yakczar.
Authored Comments
I'm really glad the Mozilla Open Source Support program exists! I use Caddy for everything and they got a great boost from it in 2013.
I'm looking forward to PyGame! I've played around with it and found its many features a little bewildering.