Tarus Balog

Authored Comments

I got a nice angry e-mail complaining that we weren't clear on the license for CopperheadOS. For reference their licensing information is here:


Note that some of the project is Creative Commons Non-Commercial, which isn't an OSI approved open source license. The term for this kind of project is "source available", just to be clear.

This is pretty timely. Just yesterday I sent a note to the OpenNMS team about consolidating some of our communications channels.

For code it works well: we manage our code on github and issues using Jira. For "real time" communications we used to use IRC but have moved on to a mattermost instance (chat.opennms.com) with an IRC gateway, so that's covered.

But we still have mailing lists and an online forum called Ask OpenNMS. The lists are hosted at Sourceforge and I've suggested that we move everything to the forum. You can configure the forum to e-mail you when things are added, yet I know there will be some resistance to dropping the mailing lists.