Set up a static network connection in Linux

Learn the tools and commands to check for network connections and add a static network connection in CentOS.
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Configuring a network connection from a Linux machine can be challenging. Fortunately, many new Linux distributions come with some type of network management tool that can help you automatically connect to a wireless network. But wouldn't it be nice to be able to set up a static network connection from a Linux machine? This guide will show you how to use different Linux tools to check for network connections from a CentOS/RHEL machine and explain how to add a static network using the nmcli tool.

Step 1: Check network connectivity

The ping command is a well-known utility that quickly checks for a connection to an address. Enter the following on the command line:

ping -c3

where the -c3 parameter option indicates you will call this domain name only three times.

Using the ping tool to call

If you are connected to the internet, you will get a data packet response like the one at the bottom of this screenshot.

Step 2: Check connection information

You can check network information using the ip add command.

Checking the connection information using ip add

Running this command shows device information, the IP address, and more. You'll need some of this information, like the device info and IP address, later to set up a static connection, so go ahead and grab it.

Step 3: Check network information

Network information can be found inside the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory by entering:

ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

Checking the connection information stored in the network-scripts directory

For example, this screenshot shows ifcfg-enp0s3 and ifcfg-lo, but this will vary depending on where you are running Linux and how your device is set up.

Step 4: Show available connections

The nmcli tool shows the available connections currently used to connect to the network. Enter the following command:

nmcli con show

Show the available connections using nmcli con show

This screenshot shows two devices are active: enp0s8 and enp0s3, and they are called Wired Connection 1 and 2. But this can be different, depending on how your Linux environment is set up.

Step 5: Check that the network connection is on

You used the ping command above to check that you can receive data packets, but now use the systemctl command for network to monitor, update, and troubleshoot the network. The command is:

systemctl status network

Checking that the network connection is on using the systemctl status network command

If the network utility has no issues, you will see the status as active when you run this command.

Step 6: Add the static connection

Now you're ready to add a static connection. Using the device name you grabbed from ip add in Step 2, modify and enter the following command to add a new connection:

nmcli con add con-name "SomeName" ifname YOUR_DEVICE autoconnect yes type YOUR_CONNECTION_TYPE

Change SomeName, YOUR_DEVICE, and YOUR_CONNECTION_TYPE based on your configuration.

Adding the static connection using the nmcli con add command

Step 7: Verify the connection is added to the network-scripts path

There are two ways to modify the new connection info using the nmcli tool. One is by using the following command:

nmcli con mod

This command essentially modifies the network configuration scripts under the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, which is the other way to modify connection information. Choose the option to modify the connection directly.

Look into the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts path again by entering:

ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

Verifying the connection is added to the network-scripts path

You can see that the connection ifcfg-MyFavoriteCafe was added.

Step 8: Confirm you can see the connection

Check that MyFavoriteCafe is visible as the available connection. Use the following command to bring the connection up. Please note that SOME_CONNECTION_NAME is the name of your connection (it is MyFavoriteCafe in this example).


or bring it down using the following command:


When you added the new connection, autoconnect was set to be true, so it will automatically start if you restart the network utility.

So far, so good. The connection shows up when you run the following command:

Verifying the connection is added to the network-scripts path

Step 9: Modify the connection to be static

Open the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-SOME_CONNECTION_NAME (it is MyFavoriteCafe in this example), using a text editor, such as Vim, Emacs, or Nano. (If you want a quick introduction to Vi or Vim, check out my intro guide, "Getting started with Vim: The basics.")

To make the connection static, modify one parameter and add three parameters:

  1. Modify BOOTPROTO to be static.
  2. Add IPADDR. This can be found from the ip add command or your connected network.
  3. Add NETMASK. This can be found from the ip add command or your connected network.
  4. Add GATEWAY. This can be found from the ip add command or your connected network.

You might also need to add DNS, PREFIX, or other information, depending on how your network and the machine are set up.

Modifying the connection to be static

Once you've done this, save the file. Restart the network with the following command:

systemctl restart network

Check the status with:

systemctl status network

Step 10: Confirm the new connection is active

That should do it! But make sure by checking if the new connection is working. Run the nmcli con show command again to start the new connection.

Confirm the new connection is active

You can also ping a website address to verify that the connection is working.

Ping a website to confirm the new connection is active

Finally, you can check the device info using the following command:

nmcli dev show DEVICE_NAME

where DEVICE_NAME is the name of your network device.

Confirm the new connection is active

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments.

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Bryant Jimin Son is an Octocat, which not official title but likes to be called that way, at GitHub, a company widely known for hosting most open source projects in the world. At work, he is exploring different git technology, GitHub Actions, GitHub security, etc. Previously, he was a Senior Consultant at Red Hat, a technology company known for its Linux server and opensource contributions.


Hi Bryant,
thanks for the nice article.
You can use nmcli to edit static network configuration instead of editing ifcfg files by hand:
nmcli conn modify SOME_CONNECTION_NAME ipv4.method manual ipv4.address YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/NETMASK ipv4.gateway YOUR_IP_GATEWAY

nmcli can be an alternative in checking network interfaces too:
nmcli device

or to check the overall network status:

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, that is also a great option to quickly edit the network configuration.

In reply to by fgiudici

Nice Article!

learning this tool and get best out of it.

Nice article, thank you.
However, never make a connection static.
If the network is managed by DHCP, don't set your connection to static, it will result in duplicate IP adresses and angry network admins. If you require a static IP, set a DHCP reservation.
In case the network is not managed by DHCP, ip add will not return valid network settings.

Thanks for the comment, but there are some cases where you need to make the static connection.

In reply to by Luuk Dae (not verified)

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