Authored Comments

Not as lame as you think. lol These are in my profile.

alias ll='ls -lh $LS_OPTIONS'
alias llm='ls -alh $LS_OPTIONS | less'
alias lrt='ls -alhrt $LS_OPTIONS'
alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
alias lsd='ls -lhd */ 2>/dev/null $LS_OPTIONS'
alias lsnd='ls -lh $LS_OPTIONS |grep -v ^d'
alias ipcalc=' -nb'
unalias rm
alias cp="cp"
alias mv="mv"
alias df="df -h"
alias vi="/usr/bin/vim"
alias ping="/bin/ping -n"

I've been using frontaccounting for a few years. It's way more than I needed, but it was the best I could find at the time that was web based and I could host myself.

I'll definitely be looking into these.
